IDS members login to our secure and scalable web servers to view, compare, and graph
weather data from any number of weather stations. Growers can view
soil moisture conditions from any number of locations and plot against irrigation times
and acquire irrigation efficiencies.
Weather data is obtained from weather stations
we install and maintain on your property.
We can also obatin data from our shared network or from your own weather stations depending on the type. (Please contact us for more information on this option.)
To see more details about our high quality weather stations please see our
weather stations page.
Below are some sample screen shots from our service.
For a full demonstration of our system please contact our sales representative
from our contact page.
Irrigation and Soil Monitoring:
Data Tables and Graphs:
View a custom set of real time parameters and daily summary data in table or graph

Required Water:
Graph daily required water based on specific crops and see the accumulated
required water for any time period.
Map Graphing:
View all your weather stations in a map format showing temperatures or
any other sensor reading directly on several different map types.